As a mother of six, ages one to twelve, I have had my share of worries over whether I am raising my kids right. Are they truly happy? Do Richard and I spend enough individual time with each one? What do I need to do to discipline them? Do I expect too much of them? How do we teach them to be more respectful to each other? How do we instill in them the importance of family?
I could add pages and pages of questions to this list of doubts and concerns. One reassuring constant thing is that I have a supportive husband who shares in the regrets and doubt with me. Together, we have learned that we can come up with an answer to any question by discussions and prayer. Knowing that a Heavenly Father loves our children as much a we do reassures us that the answers we receive from Him will only benefit our family and particularly the child we may be concerned about.
At times, Richard and I are at a loss as to what a child needs. All we know is that something is out of balance; we're not working together, we seem to be clashing, etc. Every time we get in this situation, we have found that if we make a greater effort to show unconditional love to that particular child, within a couple of days, the problem resolves itself. Going to a small amount of effort to give more smiles, more encouragement, and more praise makes all the difference in the world. And the cherry on top is that you can do all of this with a hug.
It always amazes me the power of something so seemingly small as a hug can accomplish something so great: a happy, well-adjusted, peaceful family that works, plays, and enjoys being together.
I have a truly dream life. There are many of you out there that probably share my passion for following a dream and making it happen. Well, what happens when all of your dreams come true? (Except the one about being Sleeping Beauty at Disneyland, but maybe someday....) Now I can share my view on life and maybe you will see that with a tweak here and a flip-flop there, you probably are "livin' the dream", too.
It is always good to be reminded how much the "small" things matter. Thanks Mel!